BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050907T000000Z DTEND:20051002T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join the East West Players in their 2005-2006 season celebratin g their 40th Anniversary. STEW RICE kicks off the new season with a play w ritten by Edward Sakamoto and directed by James Nakamoto. Set in Hawaii du ring the years 1957-1978\, the story centers around the friendship of thre e young couples who examine friendships and what it means to move away and relate to "home".\n\nPlace: David Henry Hwang Theatre at the Union Center for the Arts\n\n120 Judge John Aiso Street\, Los Angeles (Little Tokyo)\n \nInfo: 213-625-7000 <a></a>\n<a href="http://ww"></a> DTSTAMP:20241112T133326Z SUMMARY:East West Players- "Stew Rice" - by Ed Sakamoto (opens in Los Angel es) URL:/en/events/2005/09/07/stew-rice/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR