BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20050709T000000Z DTEND:20050827T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Xiem Gallery in Pasadena\, California\, is very proud to ho st a unique and thoughtful exhibition of works by Japanese American cerami cists\, selected by Mary Ichino. The "Yakimono" exhibition will feature th e work of 11 Japanese American ceramic artists specifically to honor the c ontributions these artists have made to furthering the art of ceramics in the United States. Mary Ichino\, who is coordinating this ambitious projec t\, is an accomplished studio potter of note and has also worked as an ins tructor\, art consultant and ceramics technician during her 40-year involv ement in the field. \n\nThe artists featured in the Yakimono exhibition ar e 2nd and 3rd generation Americans of Japanese ancestry\, most of whom liv e in Southern California. Each of the selected artists is individually est ablished in the field of fine art ceramics. They are educators and fine ar ts professionals. The work of each of the 11 artists is widely shown and c ollected. However\, never before have all 11 artist been shown together in a group show allowing for a unique chance to experience the power and sig nificance of their shared experience and individual perspectives. This gro up show reflects great diversity of technique and influence and offers an exceptional opportunity to explore the parameters of Japanese American cer amics sensibility.\n\nFeatured Artists for the Yakimono exhibition are:\nD on and Linda Asakawa\nSean de Queiroz\nMabel Enkoji\nTrace Fukuhara\nMary Ichino\nRose Nishio\nJean Kojima\nEleanor Komai\nJoanne Takayama Ogawa\nRo dney Tsukushima\n\nThe Xiem Gallery Opening for Yakimono is Saturday\, Jul y 9th\, 6 to 8 pm and is free and open to the public. The Yakimono exhibit ion runs though August 27th and the Xiem Gallery is open from 10am to 6pm\ , Tuesday through Saturday. This is a free event. Additional hours and da ys for group tours of the Yakimono exhibition can be arranged by emailing <a></a> \n\nXiem Clay Center \n1563 North Lake Ave nue\nPasadena\, CA 91104\n626.794.5833\n<a href="http://www.xiemclaycenter .com"></a>\n DTSTAMP:20241105T121756Z SUMMARY:Yakimono: A celebration of Japanese American ceramic art URL:/en/events/2005/07/09/yakimono-a-celebration-of-japanese-american-ceram i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR