BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20051111T000000Z DTEND:20051112T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Ghost Festival V is a haunting and eloquent blend of theater an d music. <b>Mermaid Meat – The Secret to Immortality</b> features three timeless stories of love and loss\, passion and betrayal\, revenge and red emption. Kuan-Yin: Our Lady of Compassion\, commissioned by the Hong Kong Cultural Center and recently performed in Singapore\, is the story of a yo ung boy whose Chinese Grandmother eases his passage through life and death with the gift of the legend of Kuan-yin. <b><a>Brenda Wong Aoki’s</a></ b> performances are interwoven with original musical scores performed by A sian Jazz Pioneer <b>Mark Izu</b> and Taiko soloist\, <b>Janet Koike</b>\, and eleven-year-old <b>Kai Kane Aoki Izu</b>.\n\nFri. Nov. 11\, 2005 – 8 p.m.\nSat. Nov. 12\, 2005 - 8 p.m.\n\nKanbar Hall\, Jewish Community Cen ter of San Francisco\n\nTicket prices: $25\n\nTickets 415-929-1233\nTo ord er tickets online <a href=""></ a>\n\nGroup Discounts for 10 or More\, call (415)346-7805\n\n\nIncludes ma ture themes &amp\; erotic content not recommended for children under 10. DTSTAMP:20250113T123908Z SUMMARY:Mermaid Meat – The Secret to Immortality URL:/en/events/2005/11/11/mermaid-meat--the-secret-to-immortality/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR