BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241110T000000Z DTEND:20241110T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Union Church "Harvest Concert"</strong>\n<strong>Entert ainment - Lunch - Bake Sale</strong>\n<strong>Shishimai (lion dance) perfo rmed byKyosuke Kataoka and Asuka Kataoka of</strong> <strong>Shishigumi L. A</strong>. - Shishi-mai — the lion dance is a folk performing art tradi tionally handed down in the islands and villages of Okinawa\, performed at the harvest festival or kyū-bon1. Like shīsā\, the stone-made Okinawan lions are placed on the rooftop or gateposts of a house for good luck. Th is dance is believed to have the power to bring an abundant crop and prosp erity to a village.\n\n<strong>Ark Sano – Jazz </strong>- Ark Sano conti nuously maintains the reputation of one of the top pianists on the jazz sc ene. Beside four albums\, including "Jungle Music" on Columbia and "Nothin ' But Swing" on Impulse with Black/Note\, he has appeared on numerous reco rdings in a variety of genre. While he has appeared on live TV and radio s hows nationally\, Ark's abundant performing experience also extends to maj or national and European Jazz festivals. He is actively performing with hi s own trio and solo piano as well as large ensemble and big bands\, while writing and performing classical pieces and giving concerts. He is also co mposing and arranging for various chamber ensembles including Japan Americ a Chamber Ensemble.\n\n                $10.00 (includes lunch) - B ake Sale  - Free Parking Onsite\n\nUnion Church • Corner of 3rd and San Pedro • Little Tokyo LA • DTSTAMP:20250114T063748Z SUMMARY:Union Church "Harvest Concert" URL:/en/events/2024/11/10/union-church-harvest-concert/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR