BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20241214T000000Z DTEND:20241214T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<p style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: anti aliased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: "><a href="\;txobjid=bdf13f fe-2a10-49da-a7bd-ad92c7ea6bae">Tickets</a>\n<p style="box-sizing: border- box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-botto m: 1rem\; font-family: ">Free\, Members only\n\n<p style="box-sizing: bord er-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bo ttom: 1rem\; font-family: "> \n\n<p style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webk it-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; f ont-family: ">Enjoy great coffee and be in-the-know of the big changes com ing to JANM.\n\n<p style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-family: ">Find out more about the major renovation of JANM’s Pavilion that will start in early 2025 and <a href="" s tyle="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; color : #722182\; background-color: transparent\; font-size: 1.125rem\;">JANM on the Go</a> \, a series of programs and events that will engage communitie s in Los Angeles’s Little Tokyo and beyond. The morning will also includ e insights into the design and development of our new core exhibition and self-guided or docent-led tours of <a href=" /commonground" style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: ant ialiased\; color: #722182\; background-color: transparent\; font-size: 1.1 25rem\;"><em>Common Ground: The Heart of Community</em> </a>  before it c loses to the public next year. To book a tour\, <a href="http://9644p.bla\;txobjid=a5cf7a39-5d8d-4e21-a072 -5a9712027867" style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: ant ialiased\; color: #722182\; background-color: transparent\; font-size: 1.1 25rem\;">click here</a> .\n\n<p style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-fo nt-smoothing: antialiased\; margin-top: 0px\; margin-bottom: 1rem\; font-f amily: ">All Members will also receive a free gift. \n\n<p style="box-siz ing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased\; margin: 0px\; font -family: ">Interested in becoming a member? <a href=" /membership" style="box-sizing: border-box\; -webkit-font-smoothing: antia liased\; color: #722182\; text-decoration-line: none\; background-color: t ransparent\; font-family: brandon-grotesque\, sans-serif\; font-size: 0.87 5rem\; font-weight: 700\; text-transform: uppercase\;">Join Now</a>\n\n DTSTAMP:20241114T151013Z SUMMARY:JANM Members Only: Coffee and Community URL:/en/events/2024/12/14/janm-members-only-coffee-and-community/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR