BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20231004T000000Z DTEND:20231004T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Wednesday\, October 4\, 2023 • 7 p.m. PDT</strong>\n\ nNima Voices is an interview series where we uplift our Nima through brief \, but enlightening\, interviews. In the fourteenth episode\, Canadian San sei <strong><a href=" hael/" target="_blank">Michael Kenji Abe</a></strong>\, project manager fo r Past Wrongs\, Future Choices\, will be interviewed by guest host <stron g>Sherri Kajiwara</strong>\, Director of the Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cultural Centre in Burnaby\, British Columbia. Join us as they chat about his father’s family’s experiences during World War II\; living in Jap an\; and the Past Wrongs\, Future Choices and Landscapes of Injustice proj ects.\n\nRead <a href=" ichael/" target="_blank">Michael’s articles</a> on Discover Nikkei befo re tuning in for this live interview and Q&amp\;A on the <a href="https:/ /" target="_blank">Discover Nikkei YouTube c hannel</a> or on <a href="" targe t="_blank">Facebook</a>. Log into your YouTube or Facebook account to post questions for the Q&amp\;A!\n\n<em>We encourage you to subscribe to our  <a href="">YouTube channel</a>/<a hr ef="">Facebook</a> page so you wil l be notified when the video is streaming live.</em> DTSTAMP:20240916T020225Z SUMMARY:Nima Voices: Episode 14—Michael Kenji Abe URL:/en/events/2023/10/04/nima-voices-episode-14michael-kenji-abe/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR