BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230508T000000Z DTEND:20230804T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<blockquote>\n<blockquote>\n\nGallery 1C03 is pleased to presen t<strong> <a href=" 28/96d55a6f7389272c34bc542585a6e858" target="_blank">Within and Beyond Tra dition: Works by East Asian Artists from The University of Winnipeg Collec tion</a>. </strong>All are welcome to attend a come and go reception for the exhibition on Monday\, May 8 between 4:00 and 6:00 pm. There will be a formal program of remarks starting at 4:30 pm followed by a curatorial to ur. Catering by Diversity Foods.\n\nCoinciding with Asian Heritage Month\,  <em>Within and Beyond Tradition: Works by East Asian Artists in The Univ ersity of Winnipeg Collection</em> is a group exhibition curated by Irene Chan\, a University of Winnipeg East Asian Languages and Cultures student . The exhibition aims to highlight the richness and diversity of East Asia n artworks within the University 's art collection\, offering a space for visitors to learn about and appreciate East Asian culture and heritage. Th e exhibit features an array of works by artists of Chinese and Japanese de scent\, including historical embroideries and ceramics\, as well as contem porary prints\, paintings and drawings. Featured artists include Kam Wing Lee\, Noboru Sawai\, Takao Tanabe\, Zheng Yan and Akira Yoshikawa.\n\nExhi bited works illustrate a broad spectrum of artistic expressions and the ev olution of traditional art beyond its conventional boundaries. They also e xemplify the artists’ unique approaches to exploring their identity as A sian-Canadians. Through <em>Within and Beyond Tradition</em>\, Gallery 1C 03 promotes greater understanding and appreciation of East Asian art.\n\nT he exhibition program will include a curatorial tour with Irene Chan and p ublic talks by Professor Yongshan He and artists Takashi Iwasaki and Akira Yoshikawa.\n\n<strong>GALLERY HOURS</strong>\nMonday - Friday between 1:0 0 and 4:00 pm from May 8 – August 4\, 2023 (closed statutory holidays).\ n\n<strong>AFFILIATED EVENTS</strong>\n<strong>Exhibition tour with Curato r Irene Chan: </strong>May 8 at 4:30 pm\n<strong>Learn about Chinese Char acters with Yongshan He:</strong> May 19 at 2:00 pm\n<strong>Artist Talks by Takashi Iwasaki and Akira Yoshikawa: </strong>June 23 at 2:30 pm\n\nT his is exhibition is made possible in part through funding from the Manito ba Government. Special thanks to Yongshan He and Lenore Szekely of The Uni versity of Winnipeg’s East Asian Languages and Cultures Program for thei r support.\n<a href=" 730/96d55a6f7389272c34bc542585a6e858" target="_blank"><strong>MORE INFORMA TION</strong></a>\n<strong>GALLERY HOURS</strong>\nMonday - Friday between 12:00 and 4:00 pm. Closed statutory holidays.\n<strong>GETTING HERE AND A CCESSIBLITY</strong>\nMaps of The University of Winnipeg campus\, includin g accessibility and parking maps\, can be found at <a href="https://click 58" target="_blank"></a>. The Gallery is located on the main floor of Centennial Hall at 515 Portage Avenue. Accessible\, s treet level visitor entrances with auto door openers and ramps are via Por tage Avenue\, Ellice Avenue and Spence Street. The gallery doors are equip ped with auto-openers. There is a gender-neutral\, accessible washroom les s than 100 feet from the Gallery entrance. Our exhibitions and affiliated events are free to everyone.\n<strong>ACKNOWLEDGMENTS</strong>\nGallery 1C 03 is on Treaty 1 Territory\, the homeland of the Red River Métis and the ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg\, Ininew\, Anishininew\, Dakota and D ene peoples. Our water is sourced from Shoal Lake 40 First Nation.\n<stron g>For further information about our programs\, please contact:</strong>\n< a href="" target="_blank">Jennifer Gibson</a>\ , Director/Curator\, Gallery 1C03\n1st floor\, Centennial Hall\, The Unive rsity of Winnipeg\n515 Portage Ave\, Winnipeg MB R3B 2E9\n204.786.9253 |  <a href=" 7389272c34bc542585a6e858" target="_blank"></a> \n<a href=" 6f7389272c34bc542585a6e858" target="_blank"></a><a href="https://click.mai" target="_blank"></a><a href=" 3/783872740/96d55a6f7389272c34bc542585a6e858" target="_blank"></a>\n</bloc kquote>\n</blockquote> DTSTAMP:20241205T064053Z SUMMARY:Within and Beyond Tradition Art Show in Winnipeg URL:/en/events/2023/05/08/within-and-beyond-tradition-art-show-in-winnipeg/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR