BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230219T000000Z DTEND:20230219T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In light of the Day of Remembrance and Black History Month\, we invite you all to an Instagram Live with the director and cast of Desolat e Dreams (Short Film). The discussion will center around the Japanese Amer ican incarceration and Black &amp\; Asian allyship in relation to the film .\n<strong>When:</strong><strong> </strong>Sunday\, February 19th at 3 PM EST/12 PM PST. \n\n<strong>Location:</strong> <a href="http://www.instagr" target="_blank" title=" tedreamsfilm"></a>\n<a href="http://ww" target="_blank" title="www.instagram.c om/desolatedreamsfilm"></a><strong>Writer/Producer/Director: </strong>Kiyo ka "Kex" Rhodes\n<a href="" tar get="_blank" title=""></a><strong>Feat ured Cast: </strong>Brent Yoshida and Deon Tillman\n\n<strong>To learn mor e about the Desolate Dreams film and cast\, please visit: </strong><a href ="" target="_blank" title="www.desolated"></a> DTSTAMP:20240919T171506Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance: Join the Desolate Dreams (Short Film) Director &amp\; Cast for a conversation on the Japanese American incarceration &amp \; Black + Asian allyship URL:/en/events/2023/02/19/day-of-remembrance-join-the-desolate-dreams-shor/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR