BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20230108T000000Z DTEND:20230108T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join JANM as we welcome the Year of the Rabbit with cultural pe rformances\, crafts\, and activities for families and kids of all ages! <s trong><em>FREE ALL DAY!</em></strong>\n\n<ul><li>Traditional <em>mochitsuk i</em> (Japanese rice pounding ritual) performance by <strong>Kodama Taiko </strong></li><li>Candy sculpture demonstrations by <strong>Shan Ichiyanag i</strong> (Shan the Candyman)</li><li><strong>Koto</strong> and <strong>c alligraphy</strong> performances</li><li>Author-led <strong>interactive st orytimes</strong></li><li>Fun Oshogatsu and Year of the Rabbit-inspired cr afts and origami </li><li>Souvenir photos by <strong>cre8tive outlets</st rong></li><li>Scavenger hunt for prizes</li><li>Free admission all day</li ></ul>\n\n…and so much more!\n\nFor more details and complete schedule\, visit <strong><a href=" atsu-family-festival-year-rabbit" target="_blank"> 23</a></strong>.\n\nThis event is free\, but RSVPs are requested. Those wh o RSVP and show their ticket at the JANM membership table at the Oshogatsu Family Festival will be entered into a drawing for a special JANM gift ba g! <strong> </strong><strong><a href=" 9644p/tickets?tab=2&amp\;txobjid=0ecc314f-9119-44d8-b563-9794fb9c39f4">RSV P NOW</a></strong>\n\nCan’t join us in person? We’ll be posting select performances and activities on our <a href=" /janmdotorg">YouTube channel</a> and <a href=" jamuseum/">Instagram</a> throughout the day! DTSTAMP:20241012T160039Z SUMMARY:2023 Oshogatsu Family Festival—Year of the Rabbit URL:/en/events/2023/01/08/2023-oshogatsu-family-festivalyear-of-the-rabbit/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR