BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220507T000000Z DTEND:20220507T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">Virtual: $5 General Admi ssion / FREE for Members</strong>\n\n<strong><span style="color: #c21313\; ">In person: $16 General Admission\, $7 student/seniors/youth* / FREE for Members</strong>\n\n<em>*In person ticket includes admission to the museum galleries. <a href="">Learn more.</a></em>\n<a href="\;txobjid= 01a713a7-7cd2-404f-9399-2801db612329">IN PERSON RSVP </a>     <a href ="\;txobjid=1cfb9 693-71d2-40bd-ac3f-d48b58aa7bf2">VIRTUAL RSVP</a>\n\nJANM’s newest exhib ition\, <em>BeHere / 1942: A New Lens on the Japanese American Incarcerat ion</em>\, by artist <strong>Masaki Fujihata</strong>\, invites visitors to experience the photographic archive of the 1942 forced removal of Japan ese Americans in new ways\, including through two augmented reality instal lations. Join us for a conversation with Fujihata and National Book Founda tion Lifetime Achievement Award medalist\, <strong>Karen Tei Yamashita</s trong>\, about the exhibition and installations. Like the exhibit and inst allations\, this event is co-presented by JANM and the Yanai Initiative fo r Globalizing Japanese Humanities at UCLA and Waseda University\, Tokyo.\n \nOpening exactly eighty years after Exclusion Orders 32 and 33 forced Jap anese Americans to leave Little Tokyo\, <em>BeHere / 1942</em> mobilizes a variety of media forms to let visitors engage with this dark history. T hrough careful curation of little-known photographs by Dorothea Lange and Russell Lee\, some presented in hyper-enlarged form or reimagined as video \, <em>BeHere / 1942</em> allows visitors to discover things in the arch ive that they never knew were there. Cutting-edge augmented reality (AR) t echnology takes the discovery a step further\, inviting visitors to become photographers themselves\, actually participating in the scene.\n\nThe ex hibit inside JANM is complemented by a groundbreaking public AR installati on in the plaza between the museum’s main campus and the historic Nishi Hongwanji Buddhist Temple. Here\, a dedicated <em>BeHere / 1942</em> app lets visitors step into the past\, and walk among Japanese Americans on t he verge of leaving for the camps. Realized with the participation of memb ers of the local Japanese American community\, this recreation includes th ree people who themselves experienced life in the camps as children. DTSTAMP:20241008T180906Z SUMMARY:Artist Conversation—BeHere / 1942 with Masaki Fujihata &amp\; Kar en Tei Yamashita URL:/en/events/2022/05/07/artist-conversationbehere-1942-with-masaki-fuji/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR