BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210711T000000Z DTEND:20210711T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Come together to celebrate the strength and history of Japanese American athletics! Join in a day of performances\, exhibitions\, demonst rations\, and activities to wish all the athletes competing this year luck and safety and learn about the Olympic games in Little Tokyo past and pre sent. \n\n<strong><em>SCHEDULE</em></strong>\n\n<strong>11:15-11:45am </ strong>\n\n<strong>Japanese American National Museum (</strong><strong>JAN M Plaza)</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 30px\;">Kick off the day with an invigorating performance by L.A. Taiko Ichiza and a welcome from Olymp ic medalists Maia and Alex Shibutani and the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles. Select artifacts from past Japanese American athletes like T ommy Kono will also be on display inside the museum. \n\n<strong> 12:30 - 1:15pm </strong>\n\n<strong>Japanese American Cultural and Community Cen ter</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 30px\;">Visit the JACCC’s exhibi tion of Torch: 1932 Los Angeles Olympics Photos by Toyo Miyatake. \n\n<p style="padding-left: 30px\;">In 1932\, noted Japanese American photographe r Toyo Miyatake was hired by Asahi Shinbun to document the LA Olympics. Th e 103 Japanese athletes won seven gold medals\, mostly in swimming\, and C huhei Nambu broke the world record for the triple jump. The Japanese commu nity in Little Tokyo celebrated with a parade on 1st Street. These photos exemplify Toyo Miyatake’s genius behind the lens. Translations of LA Iss ei poets from the 1933 anthology Torch\, commemorating the 1932 Olympics\, will also be on display.\n\n<strong>1:45 - 2:45 </strong>\n\n<strong>Ter asaki Budokan</strong>\n\n<p style="padding-left: 30px\;">Join us at Teras aki Budokan in Little Tokyo for interactive karate demonstrations and phot o opportunities celebrating Japanese American athleticism in Los Angeles. Plus\, test your Olympic worthy skills at this new community gym. \n\nChe ck back soon for more details on the schedule or follow us on social media @jamuseum!\n\n<em>This program is presented in partnership with the Japan ese American National Museum\, the Japanese American Cultural and Communit y Center\, and the Terasaki Budokan\, in cooperation with the Consulate Ge neral of Japan in Los Angeles.</em>\n\n DTSTAMP:20240920T180201Z SUMMARY:The Big Games in Little Tokyo URL:/en/events/2021/07/11/the-big-games-in-little-tokyo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR