BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210609T000000Z DTEND:20210609T000000Z DESCRIPTION:At Japan Society&rsquo\;s 24th Annual Sake Event we welcome sak e brewers from Japan and the U.S. to share their stories in their own word s. At this online panel discussion\, moderated by sake expert&nbsp\;<stron g>John Gauntner</strong>\, hear from&nbsp\;<strong>Miho Imada</strong>\, P resident and Toji of Imada Sake Brewing\,&nbsp\;<strong>Yuichiro Tanaka</s trong>&nbsp\;President of Rihaku Sake Brewing and&nbsp\;<strong>Brian Pole n</strong>\, Co-Founder and President of Brooklyn Kura. Brewers will share behind-the-scenes details about their sake brewing methods and practices\ , their personal tips for enjoying sake at home\, and recent challenges th ey have faced in the current environment.&nbsp\;<em>Followed by an audienc e Q&amp\;A.\n</em>\n<strong>Tickets</strong>:&nbsp\;$15/$12 Japan Society members\, seniors &amp\; students\n<strong>Program Details:&nbsp\;</strong >This program will be conducted online via&nbsp\;Zoom. Registrants will re ceive the viewing link by email in advance of the event\, and can submit q uestions through Zoom during the program\n<a href="https://www.japansociet">https:/ / stories</a> DTSTAMP:20241103T032824Z SUMMARY:Annual Sake Event: Brewers Share Their Insider Stories URL:/en/events/2021/06/09/annual-sake-event-brewers-share-their-insider-sto / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR