BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210501T000000Z DTEND:20210530T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Launched in 2013 and based in Vancouver BC\, LiterASIAN is an a nnual festival of Pacific Rim Asian Canadian writing and a community-build ing initiative of the Asian Canadian Writers Workshop (<a href="http://www" target="_blank">ACWW</a>).\n\nThe first of its kind within Canada\, the festival&rsquo\;s purpose is to promote and celeb rate the works of Asian Canadian writers and artists through author readin gs\, panel discussions\, and workshop events\, creating important and uniq ue networking opportunities between professional and emerging writers\, st udents\, and members of the broader public to learn and discuss topics of importance to Asian Canadian writing.\n\nFor all your LiterAsian needs\, v isit&nbsp\;<a href="">Iron Dog Books</a>.\n \nWe would like to acknowledge that we are located on the unceded traditio nal territories of the Skwxw&uacute\;7mesh\, Səl̓&iacute\;lwətaɬ and x ʷmə&theta\;kwəy̓əm First Nations.\n\n2021 SCHEDULE\n\nIn light of the COVID-19 pandemic\, LiterASIAN 2020 goes virtual! See below for the new p rogram schedule.\n\nLiterAsian 2021 &ndash\; &ldquo\;GlobalAsian&rdquo\;\n May 1 to May 30\, 2021\n\nIntersectionality\, Feminism\, and Power &ndash\ ; Writers Who Define our Times\nMay 1st\, 12.00pm &ndash\; 1.00pm (PST)\nG race Eiko Thomson\, Larissa Lai\, &amp\; Sarah Suk\n\nIndependent Authors or Self-Published Authors?&nbsp\;Stories that We Live to Write About\nMay 8th\, 12.00pm &ndash\; 1.30pm (PST)\nJackie Lau\, Diana Morita Cole\, JF G arrard\, &amp\; Cynda Yeasting\n\nIt&rsquo\;s a Beautiful Neighbourhood: & ldquo\;Chinatown Pretty&rdquo\; Across North America\nMay 12th\, 6.00pm &n dash\; 7.00pm (PST)\nValerie Luu &amp\; Andria Lo\n\nWriting Nunsutara &nd ash\; Transcending Language and Borders\nMay 15th\, 12.00pm noon (MYT) / 8 .00pm (PST) &ndash\; 1.5 hours\nWilliam Tham (Malaysia)\, Okky Madasari (I ndonesia)\, Melissa De Silva (Singapore)\, &amp\; Danton Remoto (Philippin es)\n\nCreating from Scratch: Asian Canadian Literary Publications and the ir role in publishing and the community\nMay 22\, 12.00pm &ndash\; 1.30pm (PST)\nChinatown Today\, Living Hyphen\, ACAM Tributaries\, &amp\; decomp\ n\nThe Pender Guy Radio Collective\, 1976-1981: The Reunion Show\nMay 29th \, 12.00pm &ndash\; 1.30pm&nbsp\;(PST)\nRamona Mar\, Jeannie Young\, Rache l Lau\, June Chow\, Christy Fong\, Paul Yee\, &amp\; Winnie Cheung\n\nAsia Across the World: A Book Club Discussion\nMay 30th\, 12.00pm &ndash\; 1.3 0pm&nbsp\;(PST)\nThe Asian Literature Circle DTSTAMP:20240911T003622Z SUMMARY:LiterASIAN Fest Virtually from Vancouver\, BC URL:/en/events/2021/05/01/literasian-fest-virtually-from-vancouver-bc/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR