BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210306T000000Z DTEND:20210306T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Afternoon at TG presents Online Book Launches for Terry Watada's </strong>\n<strong>"Mysterious Dreams of the Dead" and "The Fou r Sufferings"</strong>\nTonari Gumi's popular "Afternoon at TG" program is returning for 2021.\n\nThe Afternoon at TG provides programs and servic es of interest to Niseis\, Sanseis\, and Yonseis at Tonari Gumi.\n\nOur fi rst event of the New Year will feature Japanese-Canadian writer and artist Terry Watada presenting readings from his new novel "Mysterious Dreams of the Dead"\, and his new\, 5th book of poetry "The Four Sufferings" (see d etails below).  The online book launches will be presented via Zoom and a re planned for Saturday\, March 6th\, from 1:00pm to 2:30pm (PST).\nThis i s planned as a free event.  Donations to Tonari Gumi will be welcome.\nTo register\, please contact us at <a href="" t arget="_blank"></a>.  Please register by March 4th.\ n<em>Terry Watada is a Toronto-based writer\, poet\, and one-time musician .  His latest publications are "The Four Sufferings" and "The Mysterious Dreams of the Dead".  He has three novels\, five poetry collections\, and a short story collection to his credit.  Many of his writings reflect up on his Japanese-Canadian identity and several of his books are set in the historic Japanese-Canadian community of the Downtown Eastside neighbourhoo d.  Terry has been a supporter of Tonari Gumi ever since he was a feature d performer at the inaugural Powell Street Festival in 1977.</em> DTSTAMP:20241210T022420Z SUMMARY:JC Writer/Artist Terry Watada Reading on ZOOM!! URL:/en/events/2021/03/06/jc-writerartist-terry-watada-reading-on-zoom/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR