BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200624T000000Z DTEND:20200624T000000Z DESCRIPTION:A free event\, with a lively discussion with Asian American art ists on their response to the renewed awakening of systemic racism\, polic e brutality and the call for solidarity. Esteemed panelists\, Jeannie Barr oga\, playwright/ activist\; Ron Muriera\, performer/ arts advocate\; and Norman Gee\, actor/ teacher\, recall their personal history of pushing for acceptance and visibility in the theatre world and their commitment to co ntinue the fight for inclusion for all.&nbsp\;\n\nClick on the link to reg ister and we will send you the link to the ZOOM event\n<a href="https://l. R18I3WocJnYk3rsl8d6PlO8v1UsF8gtiHMbVOGfTsX-iADi3r4b6YSim0E&amp\;h=AT0ynNRB jn15dXpBt9HNLYmMQXqZR8QHKPK4CM-NTLYx-kjy5HMRGOQWc-OVfxqxYv7YlyEe5J4H8WVG3A _vpHuEQQGWjYTB-ZrexZ6SWvhlcjZsv2j_oBKL9zo08O9rsclnETHufw" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20241112T000829Z SUMMARY:Solidarity Through the Arts URL:/en/events/2020/06/24/solidarity-through-the-arts/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR