BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190720T000000Z DTEND:20190720T000000Z DESCRIPTION:There were as many samurai women as men during the Tokugawa era (1600&ndash\;1868) in Japan\, but their lives are often overlooked.\n\nPr ofessor Luke Roberts of University of California\, Santa Barbara\, will sp eak about his recent research into the lives of samurai women who hailed f rom Kōchi\, an area in southwestern Japan. Following the lecture\, Robert s will be joined by Hawaii State Senator Brian Taniguchi and his wife\, Ja n\, to talk about this subject and artifacts from their family.\n\nInclude d with museum admission. RSVPs are recommended using the link below.\n\n<a href="\;txobjid =3db4fb75-fd31-49c9-b106-105eca6c6f13" target="_blank"><strong>RSVP NOW</s trong></a>\n<a href=" 2&amp\;txobjid=3db4fb75-fd31-49c9-b106-105eca6c6f13" target="_blank"><stro ng></strong></a>\n<em>Presented in partnership with the Nikkei Genealogica l Society.</em> DTSTAMP:20240912T053720Z SUMMARY:The Lives of Samurai Women of Kōchi and the Kunimitsu Family Scrol l URL:/en/events/2019/07/20/the-lives-of-samurai-women-of-kochi-and-the-kunim i/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR