BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190114T000000Z DTEND:20190114T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The East Asian region is facing uncertain geopolitical dynamics due to territorial disputes in the South China Sea\, China&rsquo\;s growi ng military footprint\, and fears over North Korea&rsquo\;s nuclear capabi lities. Given the current turbulent geopolitical climate\, the importance of the U.S.-Japan alliance is at an all-time high. How should the United S tates and Japan cooperate to address these geopolitical challenges? In thi s program\, speakers examine the current state of the geopolitical landsca pe in East Asia\, the trajectory of U.S. leadership in the region\, and th e prospects for U.S.-Japan security cooperation.\n \n <strong>Speakers:</s trong>\n<strong>Koichi Isobe</strong>\, Senior Fellow\, Harvard University Asia Center\; former Lieutenant General\, Japan Self-Defense Force \n <st rong>David Petraeus</strong>\, Member &amp\; Chairman\, KKR Global Institu te\; former U.S. Army General\; former Director\, Central Intelligence Age ncy \n \n <strong>Moderator:</strong>\n<strong>Takako Hikotani</strong>\, Gerald L. Curtis Associate Professor of Modern Japanese Politics and Forei gn Policy\, Columbia University \n \n <strong>Agenda:</strong>\n \n\n6-6:3 0 PM\nRegistration\n\n6:30-7:30 PM\nDiscussion and Q&amp\;A\n\n7:30-8 PM\n Reception\n\n \n <strong>Admission:</strong>\n Non-members: $20\n Japan So ciety Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated number of tickets\; addit ional tickets $15\n Japan Society Individual Members at Patron Circle leve l and above: $15\n Academic and government: $15\n \n Seating is available on a first come\, first served basis. \n \n <em>Prepayment must be made wi th a credit card. All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior t o the event</em> \n \n For more information\, please contact the Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email <a></ a>. <strong></strong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20241010T170440Z SUMMARY:The Changing Geopolitical Landscape in Asia: U.S.-Japan Alliance To day URL:/en/events/2019/01/14/the-changing-geopolitical-landscape-in-asia-us-/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR