BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180809T000000Z DTEND:20180809T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for our Miso seminar and discover exciting new ways to cook with this traditional ingredient!&nbsp\;\nHiro Fukazawa\, a food conn oisseur from Miyasaka Brewery USA\, will introduce a tasting course meal u sing Miso for guests to enjoy.\nFour tasting course will include cheese ma rinated with Miso\, rice cooked with clam miso soup\, chocolate miso roll cake and more! &nbsp\;\n\n<strong>Date:&nbsp\;</strong>August 9th\, (Thu)\ n<strong>Time:&nbsp\;</strong>6:45pm - 9:00pm\n<strong>Location:</strong>& nbsp\;Chakura (Cha-an Private Space 3rd Fl)\n<strong>Address:</strong>&nbs p\;230 E. 9th St. 3rd Fl. New York\, NY 10003\n<strong>Price:</strong>&nbs p\;$35+tax (includes take-home box\, and 4-course meal using Miso)\n<stron g>Maximum Guest:</strong>&nbsp\;25 people\n<strong>Instructor:&nbsp\;</str ong>Hiro Fukazawa\, GM(CFO) at Miyasaka Brewery USA Inc.\n<strong>About :&nbsp\;</strong>A lifelong food enthusiast\, Hiro Fukazawa entered Miyasa ka Brewery USA Inc. in September 2014. His passion for local cuisines bega n in college\, when he worked at an airline company. He used his benefits to travel to over fifty countries around the world and try local food. Aft er working with airline meal\, he decided to pursue his passion in the foo d industry. He is now the GM(CFO) of Miyasaka Brewery USA Inc.\, a Japanes e company that has been providing Sake and Miso worldwide since 1662. DTSTAMP:20240916T022626Z SUMMARY:MISO SEMINAR WITH FOUR TASTING COURSE USING MISO URL:/en/events/2018/08/09/miso-seminar-with-four-tasting-course-using-miso/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR