BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180524T000000Z DTEND:20180524T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Acclaimed storyteller and Bay Area activist Brenda Wong Aoki pr esents Aunt Lily's Flower Book: One Hundred Years of Legalized Racism.&nbs p\;A live performance set to music by Emmy Award-winning composer Mark Izu and koto master Shoko Hikage\, Wong Aoki embodies multiple characters to take the audience through a tale of family secrets and resilience from the perspective of Chinese Americans and Japanese Americans. Combining both s ides of the Wong Aoki and Izu family histories &mdash\; from a grandfather who built the railroad to a father who served in and survived the 442nd d uring World War II &mdash\; AUNT LILY&rsquo\;S FLOWER BOOK highlights the impact of residual trauma and the role that the arts play in healing.\n\nA Power of Personal Story audience conversation before the show will be led by psychologist and filmmaker Satsuki Ina and CAAM Executive Director Ste phen Gong. DTSTAMP:20241003T230437Z SUMMARY:Aunt Lily's Flower Book URL:/en/events/2018/05/24/aunt-lilys-flower-book/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR