BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180313T000000Z DTEND:20180313T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The beautiful Japanese craft of <em>kumihimo</em>\, in which f abric cords are interlaced into an intricate braid\, has been incorporated into Japanese fashion for centuries\, from kimono accessories to samurai armor lacing. The design possibilities are endless\, depending on the colo r\, thickness and number of cords used. This traditional Japanese braiding recently gained renewed attention around the world thanks to the popular animated film <em>Your Name</em> (<em>Kimi no Na Wa</em>). At this works hop\, join us to make your own one-of-a-kind <em>kumihimo</em> creation with mixed media artist <strong>Amanda Hu</strong>. <em>All materials ar e included.</em> \n<strong>Tickets:</strong> $45/$40 Japan Society membe rs\, seniors &amp\; students\nEvent Page: ent/kumihimo-japanese-decorative-braiding  DTSTAMP:20250113T132624Z SUMMARY:Kumihimo: Japanese Decorative Braiding URL:/en/events/2018/03/13/kumihimo-japanese-decorative-braiding/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR