BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170216T000000Z DTEND:20170219T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Montalvo Arts Center is pleased to announce the debut of it s newest commission: <em>Rolling Counterpoint</em>\, a project by artist T aro Hattori. The work\, which draws on the tradition of the Japanese teaho use\, is envisioned as a physical and virtual space for encounter and dial ogue about belonging and division in contemporary society. In 16th century Japan\, against the backdrop of civil war\, tea masters became political go-betweens while teahouses served as radically egalitarian spaces of non- violence and provided opportunities for rational discourse\, conviviality\ , political consensus and peace. Using this history as a point of departur e\, Hattori reimagines the teahouse as a meeting space and dialogical zone where diverse people from all walks of life can come together to share st ories and experiences about what belonging means to them.\n\nIn associatio n with the 75th anniversary of Executive Order 9066 on February 19\, 2017\ , which authorized the mass forced removal and incarceration of Japanese A mericans during World War II\, <em>Rolling Counterpoint</em> will be tempo rarily stationed at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose from February 16 through 19. Visitors are invited to share tea with artist Taro Hattori during Museum hours and explore why it is important to remember Executive Order 9066. Members of the public will also be encouraged to use the anni versary of 9066 as a point of departure to share their thoughts about what belonging means to them and discuss forms of exclusion\, displacement\, a nd discrimination that they have either experienced or witnessed in their communities. DTSTAMP:20250115T044836Z SUMMARY:Rolling Counterpoint: A Community Conversation Project URL:/en/events/2017/02/16/rolling-counterpoint-a-community-conversation-pr/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR