BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161117T000000Z DTEND:20161117T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Paint an elegant <em>sensu</em> fan with Japanese calligraphy artist <strong>Seiren Aoi</strong>. Japanese <em>sensu</em>\, or foldin g fans\, have long been admired for their delicate designs and calligraphi c inscriptions. In this workshop you’ll learn traditional Japanese brush stroke techniques to adorn your fan with beautiful imagery using a calligr aphy brush\, <em>sumi </em>ink\, and colored paints. Your completed <em >sensu</em> fan is perfect as a holiday gift\, decorative item\, or fashi on accessory. Instructor Seiren Aoi\, whose work has been exhibited in bot h Japan and the U.S.\, has been expressing herself artistically through ca lligraphy since the age of six. Calligraphy brush\, <em>sensu</em>fan\, s umi ink and<em> washi</em> practice paper are all included.\n<strong>TIC KETS</strong>: $45/$40 Japan Society <a href=" /page/support/individual">members</a>\, seniors and students DTSTAMP:20250114T143234Z SUMMARY:Foldable Fashion: Japanese Fan Painting URL:/en/events/2016/11/17/foldable-fashion-japanese-fan-painting/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR