BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160716T000000Z DTEND:20160716T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Events Hall\n\nAdmission free\; refreshments will be served aft er the panel\n\nInspired by the Nikkei National Museum’s current exhibit \, <em><a href="" targ et="_blank">Arrival: Japanese Canadian Picture Brides</a> </em>by Chino O tsuka\, we invite local Nikkei female artists &amp\; scholars to discuss t he topic of historical storytelling through their respective specialties.\ n\nModerator: <strong>Dr. Kirsten McAllister</strong>\, Associate Profess or\, School of Communication\, SFU\n\nPanellists:\n\n<strong>Julia Aoki + Ayaka Yoshimizu</strong> – Ph. D. candidates\, School of Communication\ , SFU\n\n<strong>Susanne Tabata</strong> – Creative Producer\, Document ary\, Short-form and Online Media\n\n<strong>Cindy Mochizuki</strong> – Inter-disciplinary artist DTSTAMP:20250114T062139Z SUMMARY:Through Her Lens - panel discussion with Nikkei female artists &amp \; scholars URL:/en/events/2016/07/16/through-her-lens-panel-discussion-with-nikkei-fe/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR