BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160413T000000Z DTEND:20160413T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Please join us for our next Oakland Asian Cultural Center Volun teer Council monthly meeting on Wednesday\, April 13th!\nWe'll be meeting monthly to talk about our upcoming events and projects including:\n- OACC First Fridays\n- Oakland A's Korean Heritage Night 2016\n- OACC Gala\nEach month\, we'll also be starting our meetings off with some networking\, ic e breaker games\, and/or personal &amp\; professional development topics.\ n- - -\n\nWe'd like to add programming in other areas if there is interest and volunteer support for:\n\n- Anime Day\n- Trivia Competition(s)\n- Foo d Events\n- Film Events\n- Book Club\n- Toastmasters (public speaking)\n- Arts Advocacy\n- Giving Circle\n- WAM Jams (writers-artists-musicians)\n\n and more!\n\nPlease mark your calendar for the following and help us out b y inviting your friends! Many hands make light work!\n\nWednesdays\n\nMay 11th\nJune 8th\n\n* target dates may be subject to change ... and some of the larger projects and events may move to other days.\n\n- - -\n\nOakland Asian Cultural Center builds vibrant communities through Asian and Pacifi c Islander American (APIA) arts and culture programs that foster intergene rational and cross-cultural dialogue\, cultural identity\, collaborations\ , and social justice.\n\nOACC is conveniently located in Oakland Chinatown in the Pacific Renaissance Plaza (near Peony Restaurant). It is 3 blocks from the 12th Street / City Center BART Station. In addition to metered st reet parking\, there is a $2/evening parking lot below for those who enter after 5pm on weeknights.\n\nLike us here on Facebook:\n<a href="https://w"> ctr</a>\n\nSee all of our upcoming events and subscribe to our event page here:\n<a href="">https://www.fa</a> DTSTAMP:20241114T182551Z SUMMARY:April Volunteer Council URL:/en/events/2016/04/13/april-volunteer-council/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR