BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20160407T000000Z DTEND:20160407T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><a href="" targe t="_blank"><em>Oregon Stories</em></a></strong><strong>:&nbsp\;</strong><e m>Audio Documentaries of Exceptional Oregonians Set to Original Music for 12-Piece Jazz Chamber Orchestra</em>\n<em></em>\n<em><strong>Oregon Storie s: Astoria</strong></em>\nThursday\, April 7\, 8:00 p.m.\nLiberty Theatre\ n<em><a href="" target="_blan k">Tickets:</a>&nbsp\;$20 general admission\, $15 Seniors\, $5 Students</e m>\n\nThe&nbsp\;<strong>Oregon Stories Project</strong>&nbsp\;is a program of three new documentary pieces with original music produced for broadcas t on public radio and for live performance throughout Oregon\, featuring t he stories of three exceptional Oregonians coming from minority communitie s who achieved great things. Oregon Stories is a project of the Portland J azz Composers Ensemble.\n\nThe three performances tell the story of&nbsp\; <strong>George Akiyama</strong>\, a Hood River resident threatened with vi olence after serving in World War II &ndash\; and a fellow citizen who ste pped forward to support him\, as told by historian Linda Tamura &ndash\; a s well as the stories of two other Oregonians.\n\nVisit&nbsp\;<a href="htt p://" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;t o learn more about&nbsp\;<em>Oregon Stories</em>\, the other performances\ , or to purchase tickets. DTSTAMP:20241005T215545Z SUMMARY:Oregon Stories: Astoria URL:/en/events/2016/04/07/oregon-stories-astoria/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR