BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150803T000000Z DTEND:20150809T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>The Press and Dissemination Department of the Argentine Nik kei Center informs:</em> <strong>WEEKLY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO JA PAN</strong> _________________________________________________________ <sp an style="color: #ff0000\;"><strong>Monday\, August 3 to Sunday\, August 9 \, 2015</strong> <strong>Tuesday 4</strong> . Japanese culture workshop fo r adults 2015: "Under the stars of Tanabata" At the Cultural Center of the Japanese Embassy (Bouchard 547\, 15th floor\, Cdad. Bs. As.)\, at 3:00 p. m. <strong>Wednesday 5</strong> . Radio program "Japan Today". Among other topics to be discussed: "The best of manga" with Cocó Suarez\, "Japanese gastronomy" by chef Akira Takeuchi\, and an interview with the new "Ambas sador of Japan in Argentina." On Radio Palermo (FM 93.9)\, via web: <a hre f="" target="_blank"></a> / <a href="" target="_blank">www.radiopalermo</a> (FM 93.9)\, at 5 pm. <strong>Friday 7th</strong> . Tea Ceremon y by Prof. Emiko Arimidzu\, at 10 am. At the Cultural Center of the Japane se Embassy (Bouchard 547\, p. 15). <strong>Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th</st rong> . XVIII Pan-American Nikkei Convention Dominican Republic 2015 In Sa nto Domingo (Dominican Republic) <em>Activities related to Japan (for all audiences)\, that you wish to disseminate / or promote\, send them to the email: <a href="">centronikkeiarg@hotmai</a> (ref.: CNANEWS - Weekly Agenda)\, thank you very much.</em> We a ppreciate your attention. <strong>Best regards.</strong> <strong>ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENTER</strong> <strong>Press and Diffusion Department.</strong> _ ____________________________________ CNA NEWS is a free information and ne ws service of the Press and Diffusion Department of the Argentine Nikkei C enter. Subscribers receive free of charge via email: agenda of activities related to Japan\, job searches and job offers\, notes and information rel ated to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should contact: <a href= ""></a> (CNA NEWS). Director: Ricardo G. Hokama _____________________________________ < strong>Visit the websites:</strong> <a href=" r" target="_blank"></a> (Argentine Nikkei Center) < a href="/" target="_blank"> m/Centro.Nikkei.Argentino</a> (CNA Facebook) <strong>ARGENTINE NIKKEI CENT ER</strong> Bulnes 841\, Abasto Cultural (C1176ABO) Buenos Aires - Argenti na Tel./Fax: 54 11 48627774 (from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.) Mail: <a href="mailto:"></a> / <a href=" http://" target="_blank"></a > Institution distinguished by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (1 998) and by the Honorable Senate of the Argentine Nation (2004) DTSTAMP:20250125T124832Z SUMMARY:Weekly Agenda of Activities Related to Japan (Monday\, August 3 to Sunday\, August 9\, 2015) URL:/en/events/2015/08/03/ja-5013/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR