BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150501T000000Z DTEND:20150501T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>REVIEWS:\n </strong> "Actor Blake Kushi\, who appears i n the HOLD THESE TRUTHS\, is not yet a household name\, but he deserves to become one. In this production\, he plays each character from the heart - especially the protagonist. His versatility enables him to perform multip le characters who speak in Japanese and English and whose voices\, accents \, and facial expressions differ from each other's. The result is a brilli ant performance." -- <strong></strong>\n\n"Carrying a sho w alone that’s nearly two hours long is not easy\, especially when the s how deals with such heavy duty issues. Thankfully\, both Jeanne Sakata’s writing and Blake Kushi’s performance are excellent. The script has man y upbeat—and some downright funny—moments. Kushi has a great stage pre sence\, and is very likable\, which this role requires. Throughout the pla y\, Kushi also portrays Hirabayashi’s father\, mother\, college friends and lawyer\, as well as several other characters\, all with great skill." -- <strong>Coachella Valley Independent</strong>\n\nLIMITED ENGAGEMENT:  Wednesday\, April 15 – Sunday\, May 3\, 2015\n <strong></strong>\n<stron g>HOLD THESE TRUTHS\n The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi\n </strong> A solo play by <strong>Jeanne Sakata\n </strong>\n\nstarring <strong>Blake Kushi \n </strong>\n<em>Hold These Truths</em> is based on the true story of Gor don Hirabayashi\, an American sociologist best known for his principled re sistance to the Japanese-American internment during WWII.  Jeanne Sakata ’s script was inspired by hours of interviews with Mr. Hirabyashi and se veral of his friends from the 1940s.\n\n“Gordon Hirabayashi should be a household name\, like Rosa Parks\,” said CVRep Artistic Director\, Ron C elona.  “When I saw <em>Hold These Truths</em> several years ago\, I kn ew this was a story that must be told\, and that I would one day bring it to the Coachella Valley.  It was the inspiration for this season’s them e of 'The American Melting Pot\,'” Celona explains.\n\nIn May 2012\, Gor don Hirabayashi was posthumously awarded our nation’s highest civilian h onor\, The Presiential Medal of Freedom.\n\nShow times are <strong>7:30 p. m.\, Wednesday through Saturday\, </strong> with matinees at <strong>2:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong><em>For more information and to purchase tickets\, visit the Coachella Valley Repe rtory Theatre's home page at:</em>   <span style="color: #0066cc\;"><span style="color: #0066cc\;"><span style="color: #0066cc\;"><span style="colo r: #0066cc\;"><span style="color: #0066cc\;"><a href="">h ttp://</a> </strong> DTSTAMP:20250125T025505Z SUMMARY:PLAY: Hold These Truths - The Journey of Gordon Hirabayashi - CLOS ING WEEK! URL:/en/events/2015/05/01/play-hold-these-truths-the-journey-of-gordon-h/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR