BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150207T000000Z DTEND:20150207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>The performance will be preceded at 7:00 pm by a pre-perfor mance lecture\, "Exploring the Music of East Asia\," by Ralph Samuelson wi th demonstrations by the performers on their instruments.</em>\n\nMusic Fr om Japan's 40th anniversary will be commemorated with exciting cross-cultu ral collaborations between musicians from Japan and its neighboring countr ies\, China and Korea.\n\nThree internationally acclaimed traditional inst rumentalists from Japan\, Korea\, and China will perform contemporary and classical repertoire on their respective instruments. A series of solo wor ks will be followed by a group improvisation and the world premiere of&nbs p\;<em>Unkai&nbsp\;</em>(<em>Sea of Clouds</em>)\, written by MFJ-commissi oned composer&nbsp\;<strong>Ned Rothenberg</strong>&nbsp\;especially for t he occasion.\n\n<strong>Mayumi Miyata</strong>&nbsp\;will perform Japanese &nbsp\;<em>sho</em>&nbsp\;(a reedy sounding mouth organ traditionally used in&nbsp\;<em>gagaku</em>\, the ancient court music of Japan)\; Chinese-Am erican&nbsp\;<strong>Wu Man</strong>&nbsp\;will perform&nbsp\;<em>pipa</em >(Chinese lute)\; and Korean-American&nbsp\;<strong>Jin Hi Kim</strong>&nb sp\;will perform&nbsp\;<em>komungo</em>&nbsp\;(Korean zither).\n\n$25 memb ers\; $30 students/seniors\; $40 non-members DTSTAMP:20241014T025915Z SUMMARY:Music From Japan: East Asian Vibrancy URL:/en/events/2015/02/07/music-from-japan-east-asian-vibrancy/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR