BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140906T000000Z DTEND:20140907T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>INFINITY &amp\; CHASHU RAMEN</strong> will make its Pac ific Northwest premiere with two screenings in Seattle in September. And a s an added treat\, noted Nisei poet\, playwright and actor Hiroshi Kashiwa gi will open our screenings with readings from his latest memior - "Starti ng in Loomis and Other Stories" - a short story collection that recounts h is nine decades of life in California.\n\n<strong>BAINBRIDGE ISLAND - Sept ember 6&nbsp\;</strong>\n\nBainbridge Museum of Art\n\nBook reading will b egin at 3 p.m.\, followed by our film at 4 p.m. A Q&amp\;A with the cast a nd crew will follow. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the Bainbridge Island Japanese American Community (BIJAC).\n\n<strong>SEATTLE - Septembe r 7</strong>\n\nWing Luke Museum\n\nBook reading will begin at noon\, foll owed by our film at 1 p.m. A Q&amp\;A will follow with the cast and crew.\ n\nTickets are $12 at the door and include the book reading and film. Disc ounted tickets can be purchased in advance for $10 for adults and $8 for s eniors (65 and older) at <a href=" e/" target="_blank"></a>\n<a hre f="" target="_blank"></a>\n<stro ng>INFINITY &amp\; CHASHU RAMEN </strong>is the first feature film shot en tirely in San Francisco's Japantown. Hiroshi Kashiwagi and Wendy Woo lead an all Asian American cast that includes Todd Nakagawa\, Sandra Young\, Su z Takeda\, Randall Nakano\, Larry Kitagawa\, Ben Arikawa and Chizuko Omori .\n\n<em>The universe unfolds a little differently in San Francisco&rsquo\ ;s Japantown - a sleepy little neighborhood in the heart of the city where magic is in the air and spirits roam the streets &hellip\;</em>\n<em></em >\n<em>Hiroshi Kashiwagi plays</em><em>a mischievous 400-year-old spirit w ho has been guiding the lives of residents by himself for generations - bu t today something is different. Today\, he has&nbsp\;</em><em>a new appren tice\, young Lucy Yamaguchi. Together\, these two unseen spirits will wand er in and out of the lives of unsuspecting residents as they try to keep t he universe running smoothly &hellip\;</em> DTSTAMP:20240916T221100Z SUMMARY:Seattle premiere of "Infinity &amp\; Chashu Ramen" URL:/en/events/2014/09/06/seattle-premiere-of-infinity-amp-chashu-ramen/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR