BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140726T000000Z DTEND:20140726T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Our 2014 summer film series\,<em>&nbsp\;JA Filmmakers\,</em>&nb sp\;continues in July\, as we feature contemporary filmmakers who are know n for films outside of documentaries:\n\n<ul><li><strong>KOJI STEVEN SAKAI &nbsp\;</strong>has written four feature films:<strong><em>&nbsp\; Haunted Highway&nbsp\;</em></strong>(2006)\,&nbsp\;<strong><em>The People I've Sl ept With&nbsp\;</em></strong>(2009)\,&nbsp\;<strong><em>Monster &amp\; Me< /em></strong>(2013)\, and&nbsp\;<strong><em>Chink&nbsp\;</em></strong>(201 3). He also produced&nbsp\;<em>The People I've Slept With</em>&nbsp\;and&n bsp\;<em>Chink</em>. Sakai is a member of the Writers Guild of America and is a graduate of USC's Masters of Professional Writing program. In additi on\, he has held several fellowships and won numerous writing awards.</li> <li><strong>KERWIN BERK</strong>&nbsp\;is the&nbsp\;founder of Ikeibi Film s\, a production&nbsp\;companybased in San Francisco that believes Asian A mericans should tell their own stories in their own voices using their own talent. He is a freelance writer and independent filmmaker\, known for hi s films&nbsp\;<strong><em>The Virtues of Corned Beef Hash</em></strong>&nb sp\;(2010) and<strong><em>&nbsp\;Infinity and Chasiu Ramen</em></strong>&n bsp\;(2012). In his previous life\, Berk&nbsp\;was a former print journali st who worked at newspapers and wire services for almost 20 years.</li><li ><strong>KERRY YO NAKAGAWA&nbsp\;</strong>is the associate producer of the award-winning&nbsp\;independent film&nbsp\;<strong><em>American Pastime&n bsp\;</em></strong>(2007). In addition\,&nbsp\;he is an author\,documentar y filmmaker\, and actor. His TV and film credits include<em>Hill Street Bl ues</em>\,&nbsp\;<em>Matlock\, Marcus Welby M.D.\, a</em>nd&nbsp\;<em>1\,0 00 Pieces of Gold\,</em>as well as numerous Chuck Norris films. He is curr ently writing a gothic horror screenplay which he hopes to direct\, produc e\, and star in.&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</li></ul>\n\nCost: Free with admissi on to the museum (nonmembers\, $5\; students and seniors over age 65\, $3\ ; JAMsj members and children under 12\, free).\n\nContact PublicPrograms@j or call (408) 294-3138 to reserve a spot. DTSTAMP:20240916T015227Z SUMMARY:JA Filmmakers Part III: Non-Documentary Filmmakers URL:/en/events/2014/07/26/ja-filmmakers-part-iii-non-documentary-filmmakers / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR