BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140508T000000Z DTEND:20140628T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" at-american-muse.html">Flomenhaft Gallery website</a> :\n\n<span style="fo nt-size: small\;">The Flomenhaft Gallery in Chelsea\, New York\, is proud and honored to announce Roger Shimomura’s exhibition\, <strong><em>Great American Muse</em> </strong> \, on view May 8-June 28\, 2014. \n \n The s how consists of 30 new paintings.  \n \n Shimomura wrote about this exhib it\, “Central to my work is the manipulation of common objects into som ething other than what they seem.  Recently\, I became reacquainted with Great American Nude\, a series of paintings by Tom Wesselmann.  The int erplay between the female figure\, still life objects\, and a familiar pi ece of contemporary art fascinated me as it set up multiple interpretatio ns.  By starting with Wesselmann’s premise of juxtaposing three separa te motifs and by adding race and culture to the mix\, the level of interp retation rose exponentially\, each component adding its own history and v iewpoint\, resulting in endless potential for dialogue and debate.” DTSTAMP:20250125T162502Z SUMMARY:ROGER SHIMOMURA: Great American Muse at the Flomenhaft Gallery URL:/en/events/2014/05/08/roger-shimomura-great-american-muse-at-the-flomen / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR