BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140302T000000Z DTEND:20140302T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Sunday\, March 2\, 2014\, 2pm\n\nNikkei National Museum\n\nAdmi ssion: $3 Nikkei National Museum &amp\; Cultural Centre members\, seniors\ , students | $5 regular\n\nHighlighting images from the exhibition UKIYOE SPECTACULAR this talk will explore definitions of the comic genre\, tracin g the term &ldquo\;manga&rdquo\; and characteristic features of its style and subject matter into the past.\n\nIn this context\, closer examination of the humorous\, bizarre\, and often cryptic imagery of 19th-century wood block print artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi and his circle will illuminate intrig uing connections to the world of manga comics\, which enjoy such widesprea d popularity today. DTSTAMP:20241207T110351Z SUMMARY:Kuniyoshi’s Comic Prints: Exploring the Roots of Manga in Edo-Per iod Ukiyoe URL:/en/events/2014/03/02/kuniyoshis-comic-prints-exploring-the-roots-of-m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR