BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130628T000000Z DTEND:20130711T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the F<a href=" k-asian-film-festival-2013">ilm Society Lincoln Center website</a> :\n\nWe &rsquo\;re back with the 12th edition of North America&rsquo\;s leading fe stival of popular Asian Cinema! This year we have a special focus on the Philippines with Manila Chronicles: The New Filipino Cinema and a lineup of Taiwanese &ldquo\;Black Movies\,&rdquo\; the rambunctious early-80&rsq uo\;s exploitation flicks that used to fill Taipei grindhouses with Taiwa n Pulp! We&rsquo\;re also spotlighting audience favorite\, actor Ryoo Seu ng-Beom\, and giving special focus shout-outs to two of the festival&rsqu o\;s oldest friends\, Well Go USA (the champion of Asian film among U.S. distributors) and the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in New York on the occasion of their 30th birthday. Co-presented with Subway Cinema.\n\n Admission\n<ul><li>$13 General Public </li><li>$9 Student &amp\; Senior </ li><li>$8 Member </li></ul>\n\n<a href=" es/new-york-asian-film-festival-2013#film-schedule">Films and showtimes</a > DTSTAMP:20240918T160850Z SUMMARY:New York Asian Film Festival 2013 URL:/en/events/2013/06/28/new-york-asian-film-festival-2013/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR