BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130623T000000Z DTEND:20130623T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&nbsp\;The first offering is a 1997documentary\, narrated by Pa t Morita\, which outlines the battlefield accomplishments of the 100th/442 nd/MIS. Their stories are full of unnerving bravery and unbelievable loyal ty. The film also probes emotional questions from both the grown-up childr en and wives of these soldiers. In the end\, the movie is less about war t han it is about the strength of the human spirit. The film will be followe d by Q&amp\;A with filmmakers Steve Rosen and Terri de Bono.\n\n<em>Direct or/producer Terri DeBono has worked closely</em>\n<em>with her partner\, S teve Rosen\, cinematographer\, director and editor\, for 20 years. Togethe r they have produced commercials\, corporate videos\, and social-issue doc umentaries which have premiered nationally on PBS. Their PBS-aired documen taries include Beyond Barbed Wire\, narrated by Pat Morita\; Accidental He ro: Room 408\, winner of numerous best documentary awards\; and The Roots of California Photography\, narrated by Jack Lemmon\, featuring photograph ers Ansel Adams and Edward Weston.</em>\n<em>RSVP required. Please email: or Call: (408) 294-3138</em> DTSTAMP:20241013T082225Z SUMMARY:Nisei Soldiers Film Series: Beyond Barbed Wire URL:/en/events/2013/06/23/nisei-soldiers-film-series-beyond-barbed-wire/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR