BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130611T000000Z DTEND:20130824T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<span style="font-size: medium\;"><strong>Looking for ways to c onnect with the youth?  </strong> Want to learn more about the Japanese American history of the South Bay region?  Have stories of your childhoo d that you’d like to share with the community?  Join us on Tuesday nig hts this summer at the JCI for the Katarou Histories Program!\n \n <span style="font-size: medium\;">Katarou Histories is a program run by JACL\, designed to engage high school youth\, college students\, and adults in t he preservation of Japanese American history in the Greater Los Angeles r egion through the sharing of personal\, family\, and regional stories.  Katarou\, meaning “let’s share stories” in Japanese\, is the primar y goal of this program. In retelling the story of Japanese Americans to o ur intergenerational community\, we foster dialogue\, teach the value of h istory\, encourage collaboration\, and consequently help to build a stron ger community for the future.\n \n <span style="font-size: medium\;">Appli cations are now available online.  For more information\, visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or call (213) 626-4471. DTSTAMP:20250125T024422Z SUMMARY:Katarou Histories URL:/en/events/2013/06/11/katarou-histories/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR