BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130323T000000Z DTEND:20130323T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 1914\, Sessue Hayakawa became the first Asian American actor to break through on the silver screen\, appearing in movie pioneer Thomas Ince&rsquo\;s silent classic&nbsp\;<em>The Typhoon</em>\, and launching a career as one of the most popular and well-paid stars in the nascent Holl ywood industry\, albeit in roles that consistently depicted him as villain ous\, violent and manipulative. As he put it himself\, &ldquo\;I want to b e shown as I really am\, and not as fiction paints me&hellip\;.My one ambi tion is to play a hero.&rdquo\;&nbsp\;\n\nNinety-nine years later\, Asians and Asian Americans have a much greater presence in U.S. popular culture &mdash\; but they are often represented in ways that Hayakawa would recogn ize and lament: Silent thugs. Sexless nerds. Predatory temptresses\, calcu lating conspirators and impossibly strange foreigners.\n\nOrganized by Jef f Yang\,&nbsp\;<em>Wall Street Journal</em>&nbsp\;Online columnist and edi tor-in-chief of the new graphic novel anthology&nbsp\;<a href="http://siun .org/shatteredbook"><em>SHATTERED</em></a>\, which uses the medium of the comics to explore and explode unyielding stereotypes of Asians in pop cult ure\, BEYOND THE BAD AND THE UGLY gathers together some of the brightest a nd most interesting Asian American creators\, and critics\, activists and academics in a unique one-day summit that begins by looking back at the he ritage of Asian images in American media and society\, and ends by looking ahead &mdash\; discussing new ways to prevent distortions and present mor e vivid\, humanized\, three-dimensional portraits of Asians and Asian Amer icans to a wider and more accepting audience.\n\n<strong>Pricing:</strong> \n\nSTUDENTS: $15&nbsp\;\nGENERAL ADMISSION: $25&nbsp\;\nVIP ADMISSION: $3 5 (includes reserved seating and one copy of SHATTERED: THE ASIAN AMERICAN COMICS ANTHOLOGY &mdash\; COVER PRICE $21.95!)\n\n[All admission fees com e with one collectible GEEK/THUG/TEASE/PLAYER/FOB button of your choice]\n \n<a href="" target="_blank"> Purchase tickets &gt\;&gt\;</a>\n<a href=" /event/349110" target="_blank"></a>*JANM MEMBERS:&nbsp\;Members receive $5 off of their tickets! Please contact for your discount c ode.\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Schedule:</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<s trong>9:00AM-9:30AM:</strong>&nbsp\;Registration (Continues throughout the day)\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>9:30AM-10AM:</strong>&nbsp\;Brief Welcom e by Dr. Greg Kimura\, President and CEO of the Japanese American National Museum\; Jeff Yang\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>10AM-11AM:</strong>&nbsp\; Opening Plenary: Is This Stereotype Really Necessary?\n<strong>Keith Chow (Moderator)</strong>\, editor at large\,&nbsp\;<em>Shattered</em>\n<strong >Parvesh Cheena</strong>\, actor\, NBC's&nbsp\;<em>Outsourced</em>\n<stron g>Beau Sia</strong>\, poet and author\,&nbsp\;<em>The Undisputed Greatest Writer of All Time</em>\n<strong>Andrew Ti</strong>\, blogger\, Yo is this Racist?\n<strong>Jen Wang</strong>\, blogger\, Disgrasian\n<strong>Gene Y ang</strong>\, graphic novelist\,&nbsp\;<em>American Born Chinese</em>&nbs p\;and&nbsp\;<em>Level Up</em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>11AM-12PM:</str ong>&nbsp\;Keynote Conversation: Orientations\n<strong>Professor Jack Tche n (Moderator)</strong>\, author\,&nbsp\;<em>New York Before Chinatown: Ori entalism and the Shaping of American Culture\, 1776-1882</em>\n<strong>Jac k Shaheen</strong>\, author\,&nbsp\;<em>Reel Bad Arabs</em>\; former CBS N ews Middle East consultant and Professor Emeritus of Mass Communications f rom Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville\n<strong>William F. Wu</s trong>\, author\,&nbsp\;<em>The Yellow Peril: Chinese-Americans in America n Fiction\, 1850-1940</em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>12PM-1PM:</strong>& nbsp\;Keynote Conversations: Sextypes\n<strong>Jeff Yang (Moderator)</stro ng>\, columnist\,&nbsp\;<em>Wall Street Journal</em>&nbsp\;Online\, editor -in-chief\,&nbsp\;<em>Shattered</em>\n<strong>Helie Lee</strong>\, directo r\,&nbsp\;<em>Macho Like Me</em>\, documentary on six months as a man\n<st rong>Keni Styles</strong>\, adult film star\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>1P M-2PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Lunch Break\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>2PM-3PM:</st rong>&nbsp\;Breakouts A: "What We Teach and Show"\n<strong>Taming Tigers: Getting Beyond Stereotypes in Parenting and Education</strong>\n<strong>Da ren Mooko (Moderator)</strong>\, associate dean of students\, Pomona Colle ge\n<strong>Julie Kang</strong>\, blogger\,&nbsp\;<em>Geisha School Dropou t</em>\n<strong>Cynthia Liu</strong>\, cofounder\,&nbsp\;<em>K-12 News Net work</em>\n<strong>Jason Sperber</strong>\, cofounder\,&nbsp\;<em>Rice Dad dies</em>\n<strong>Paula Yoo</strong>\, author\,&nbsp\;<em>Good Enough</em >\; producer\,&nbsp\;<em>Eureka</em>\n<strong>Screen Adjustments: Getting Beyond Stereotypes in Media</strong>\n<strong>Jocelyn Wang (Moderator)</st rong>\, blogger\, 8Asians\n<strong>Stephen Dypiangco</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em> National Film Society</em>\n<strong>Patrick Epino</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>Nat ional Film Society</em>\n<strong>Brian Hu</strong>\, artistic director\, P acific Arts Movement (organizers of the San Diego Asian American Film Fest ival)\n<strong>Jerry Ma</strong>\, art director\,&nbsp\;<em>Shattered</em> \n<strong>Steve Nguyen</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>Channel APA</em>\n<strong>Jude Narita</strong>\, theater artist and activist\,&nbsp\;<em>From the Heart< /em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>3PM-4PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Breakouts B: What We Do and Say\n<strong>Move This: Campaigns That Work</strong>\n<strong>L isa Lee (Moderator)</strong>\, blogger\,&nbsp\;<em>Thick Dumpling Skin</em >\; diversity program manager\, Facebook\n<strong>18 Million Rising</stron g>&nbsp\;(Jenn Pae/Cynthia Brothers)\n<strong>Eileen Chow</strong>\, Visit ing Associate Professor\, Duke University\n<strong>Generations of War</str ong>&nbsp\;(Traci Akemi Kato-Kiriyama\, founder\,&nbsp\;<em>Tuesday Night Caf&eacute\;</em>)\n<strong>Racebending</strong>&nbsp\;(Michael Le)\n<stro ng>The Politics of Perception</strong>\n<strong>Ling Woo Liu (Moderator)</ strong>\, executive director of the Fred Korematsu Institute\n<strong>Tanz ila Ahmed</strong>\, voter engagement manager at Asian Pacific American Le gal Center\n<strong>Jay Chen</strong>\, Hacienda Heights school board memb er\, congressional candidate\n<strong>4PM-5PM:</strong>&nbsp\;Special Pane l A: When is it Okay to Laugh? Ethnic Humor that Works\n<strong>Jenny Yang (Moderator)</strong>\, comedian\, organizer\, DIS/ORIENT/ED comedy tour\n <strong>D'Lo</strong>\n<strong>Kiran Deol</strong>\, director and comedian \n<strong>Andrew Fung</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>The Fung Brothers</em>\n<strong >David Fung</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>The Fung Brothers</em>\n<strong>Joe Luu</ strong>\, comedian\n<strong>Greg Watanabe</strong>\,&nbsp\;<em>18 Mighty M ountain Warriors</em>\nSpecial Panel B: Man Bites Dog: How Stereotypes Sha pe the News\n<strong>Richard Lui (Moderator)</strong>\, anchor\, MSNBC\n<s trong>Leslie Berestein Rojas</strong>\, Immigration and Emerging Communiti es reporter\, Southern California Public Radio\n<strong>Mei Fong</strong>\ , Pulitzer Prize winning former reporter\,&nbsp\;<em>Wall Street Journal</ em>\n<strong>Wendy Lee</strong>\, Business Reporter\, Southern California Public Radio\n<strong>Andrew Lih</strong>\, associate professor\, USC Anne nberg School of Communications\n<em>Co-presented with Asian American Journ alists Association - Los Angeles</em>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>5PM-6PM: </strong>&nbsp\;Closing Plenary: Changing the Game\n<strong>Oliver Wang (M oderator)</strong>\, cultural critic\, Assistant Professor of Sociology\, CSU-Long Beach\n<strong>Christopher Chen</strong>\, producer\,&nbsp\;<em>L insanity</em>\n<strong>Jay Caspian Kang</strong>\, editor\,&nbsp\;<em>Gran tland</em>\; author\,&nbsp\;<em>The Dead Do Not Improve</em>\n<strong>Ted Kim</strong>\, EVP\, CJ Entertainment America\n<strong>Deepa Jeeva</strong >\, head of production\, YOMYOMF Network\n<strong>Mike Le</strong>\, creat or and executive producer\,&nbsp\;<em>K-Town</em>\n<strong>Benson Lee</str ong>\, director\,&nbsp\;<em>Planet B-Boy</em>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<em>Battle o f the Year: Dream Team</em>\n<strong>Parry Shen</strong>\, actor\,&nbsp\;< em>Better Luck Tomorrow</em>\; managing editor\,&nbsp\;<em>Shattered</em>\ n<strong></strong>\n<strong>6PM-6:30PM:</strong>&nbsp\;"All In" Closing/Ro undtable\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>6PM to Closing:</strong>&nbsp\;<em>Sh attered: The Asian American Comics Anthology</em>&nbsp\;Reception (Open to all attendees and others by invitation)\n\nCheck&nbsp\;<a href="http://ww" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;for updates. DTSTAMP:20240914T031449Z SUMMARY:Beyond the Bad &amp\; the Ugly: Stereotypes and Asian American Pop Culture - A Summit URL:/en/events/2013/03/23/beyond-the-bad-amp-the-ugly-stereotypes-and-asi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR