BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130227T000000Z DTEND:20130310T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the<em> </em> <a href=" ograms/film/globus-film-series-2013">Japan Society website</a> :\n\nThis y ear\, the Globus Film Series offers a retrospective of rarely shown films produced from the late 1950s to the early 1960s by mercurial\, pioneerin g Japanese film studio Shintoho. Founded in 1947 by employees of the Toky o-based Toho Company during strike action (its name means "New Toho")\, S hintoho promptly established itself as one of the major studios of the se cond golden age of Japanese cinema\, specializing in low- (or no-) budget productions that have become absolute cult classics. Shintoho produced o ver 500 features during a 14-year period\, spanning a wide variety of gen res from crime-thriller series to the youth films and exploitation films known as <em>ero-guro</em> (erotic grotesque). This retrospective\, curat ed by film critic Mark Schilling for the 2010 Udine Far East Film Festiva l\, provides highlights of Shintoho's delightfully deranged output\, from hard-hitting gangster movies to campy horror chillers and supernatural t ales of mystery. All films are in Japanese with English subtitles. All sh ows are New York Premieres. Film descriptions by Mark Schilling.\n\n<stro ng>Tickets to each screening:</strong> $12/$9 Japan Society members\, seni ors &amp\; students\n\nFollow the links for more information or to buy tic kets.\n\n<span style="font-weight: normal\; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold\;"> <a href=" yotsuya-kaidan">Ghost Story of Yotsuya\n <span style="font-family: ">東 海道四谷怪談 (Tokaido Yotsuya Kaidan) </a> \n Wednesday\, February 27\, 8 PM<a href=" t=show.asp?shcode=51">\n Buy Tickets</a>\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: au to\; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto\; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level : 4\;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><a href="http://www">Ghost Cat of Otama Pond\n <span style="font-family: ">怪猫 <span style="font- family: ">お玉が池 (Kaibyo Otama-ga-Ike) </a>\n<span style="font-siz e: 12.0pt\; font-family: ">Friday\, March 1\, 7 PM \n <a href="https://tic">Buy Tic kets</a>\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto \; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level: 4\;"><span style="font-size: 1 2.0pt\; font-family: "><a href=" zon-glitters-chiheisen-ga-giragira">The Horizon Glitters\n <span style="fo nt-family: ">地平線がぎらぎらっ (Chiheisen ga Giragira) </a>\n<s pan style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: ">Saturday\, March 2\, 3 PM \n <a href=" sp?shcode=60">Buy Tickets</a> . \n\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto\; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level: 4\; "><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><a href="http://www.japa">Vampire Bride\n <spa n style="font-family: ">花嫁吸血魔 (Hanayome Kyuketsuma) </a>\n<span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: ">Saturday\, March 2\, 5:15 PM \n <a href=" sp?shcode=61">Buy Tickets</a>\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso-ma rgin-bottom-alt: auto\; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level: 4\;"><spa n style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><span style="font-size: 12.0pt \; font-family: "><a href=" asp?target=show.asp?shcode=61"></a> <span style="font-weight: normal\; mso -bidi-font-weight: bold\;"><a href=" h-pier-jotai-sanbashi">Flesh Pier\n <span style="font-family: ">女体棧 橋 (Jotai Sanbashi) </a> \n Saturday\, March 2\, 7:30 PM \n <a href="htt ps://" >Buy Tickets</a>\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso-margin-bottom-a lt: auto\; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level: 4\;"><span style="font -size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><a href=" death-row-woman-onna-shikeishu-no-datsugoku">Death Row Woman\n <span style ="font-family: ">女死刑囚の脱獄 (Onna Shikeishu no Datsugoku) </a> \n<span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: ">Sunday\, March 3\, 5 PM \n <a href=" .asp?shcode=63">Buy Tickets</a>\n<p style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso- margin-bottom-alt: auto\; line-height: normal\; mso-outline-level: 4\;"><s pan style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><a href="http://www.japansoc">Reveng e of the Pearl Queen\n <span style="font-family: ">女真珠王の復讐 ( Onna Shinju-o no Fukushu) </a>\n<span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-fam ily: ">Sunday\, March 3\, 7 PM \n <a href="https://tickets.japansociety.or g/public/loader.asp?target=show.asp?shcode=64">Buy Tickets</a>\n<p style=" mso-margin-top-alt: auto\; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto\; line-height: norm al\; mso-outline-level: 4\;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: "><a href=" ow-line">Yellow Line \n <span style="font-family: ">黄線地帯 <span sty le="font-family: ">イエローライン (Osen Chitai) </a>\n<span style ="font-size: 12.0pt\; font-family: ">Sunday\, March 10\, 4 PM \n <a href=" 65">Buy Tickets</a>\n\n DTSTAMP:20250122T040657Z SUMMARY:Japan Society Globus Film Series 2013\, Into the Shintoho Mind Warp : Girls\, Guns &amp\; Ghosts from the Second Golden Age of Japanese Film URL:/en/events/2013/02/27/japan-society-globus-film-series-2013-into-the-sh / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR