BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121110T000000Z DTEND:20121110T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The JAMsj Winter Boutique will be held at the San Jose Buddhist Temple Betsuin\n\nCome enjoy: Japanese-style collages\, Pacific Rim-inspi red clothing and accessories\, hand-crafted jewelry\, washi crafts\, stat ionary\, and many more specialty gifts. Also\, find out about special bou tique events\, such as our popular author book signings\, donation drawin gs\, and silent auction.\n\nMore than 33 artists and vendors will be on h and to sell a variety of arts and crafts and Japanese-style gifts\, includ ing clothing\, accessories\, hand-crafted jewelry\, washi crafts\, and sta tionery. JAMsj's very own volunteer-created\, unique\, hand-made greeting cards will also be available for purchase.&nbsp\; Be sure to purchase a ti cket for the donation drawing and sign up for items in the annual silent a uction.&nbsp\;\n\nIn addition\, there will be a delicious assortment of Ja panese treats at the JAMsj refreshment center.&nbsp\; Don't miss the speci al book signings by guest authors and illustrators:&nbsp\; \n \n Oliver Ch in\, founder of Immedium\, a San Francisco publisher of dynamic children's picture books and titles on contemporary Asian America. Chin is also the author of the popular annual series The Tales from the Chinese Zodiac\, wh ich includes The Year of the Dragon (2012) and Year of the Snake (2013).&n bsp\; He will be signing his books at the boutique from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.\n \n Felicia Hoshino\, author and illustrator of children's books su ch as Sora and the Cloud and the award-winning A Place Where Sunflowers Gr ow. Hoshino\, a native of San Francisco\, has prize-winning illustrations appearing in children's magazines such as Cricket\, Spider and Ladybug.&nb sp\; She will be signing her books at the boutique from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.&nbsp\;\n\nJack Matsuoka\,a local cartoonist and author of Poston: Ca mp II\, Block 211 and Sensei.&nbsp\; His cartoons capture the memories of growing up in a WW II incarceration camp in Poston\, Arizona. Matsuoka's a rtwork is featured on San Jose Japantown banners\; in calendars\; and in m any other publications including\, Nikkei West. In addition to his book si gning\, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.\, Matsuoka will be sketching portraits of visitors at the boutique.\n\nTo read more about these authors and to f ind out about participating artisans\, visit the JAMsj 2012 Winter Boutiqu e website\,\; For more information\,&nbsp\; contact the JAMsj office at 408-294-3138\, or email us at\n\nJAMsj members have the added benefit of entering the Winter boutique an hour earlier than the general p ublic at 9 am. DTSTAMP:20240920T080415Z SUMMARY:JAMsj Winter Boutique URL:/en/events/2012/11/10/jamsj-winter-boutique/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR