BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120630T000000Z DTEND:20120630T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Free film screening!&nbsp\;</strong>\n\nInspired by the ir 2007 memoir\,&nbsp\;<em>The Power Of Two</em>&nbsp\;offers an intimate portrayal of the bond between half-Japanese twin sisters Anabel Stenzel an d Isabel Stenzel Byrnes\, their battle with the fatal genetic disease cyst ic fibrosis\, and miraculous survival through double lung transplants.\n\n Film is in English with Japanese subtitles. Both sisters will be available for a Q&amp\;A following the screening.\n\nTo RSVP for this event\, pleas e call: 213-625-0414 ex. 2218.\n<a href="" target="_bl ank"></a>\n<em></em>\n<em>This program is part of the Tateuchi Public Program Series\, organized in partnership between the Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin Tateuchi Foundation and the Japanese American National Museum .</em> DTSTAMP:20241014T215645Z SUMMARY:FILM SCREENING: "The Power of Two" URL:/en/events/2012/06/30/film-screening-the-power-of-two/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR