BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120616T000000Z DTEND:20120616T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Take a leisurely 1.5 mile walk around the farm making several s tops along the route to sample some of our fresh fruits and vegetables. A llow one hour to "Walk the Farm."\n\n100% of admission sales will go to ai d a select group of farmers in Japan. \n\nRegister to become a Walker and with a $20 donation\, you will receive: \n\n<ul><li>a scenic view as you "Walk the Farm"</li><li>bottled water </li><li>sample fruits and vegetab les from the farm </li><li>shaved ice </li><li>other snacks </li><li>th e knowledge that you are helping a community to rebuild their farms. </li ></ul>\n\nT-Shirts available for $10 each and can be ordered at the time y ou register. Walkers must pre-register due to limited space. \n\nCOST:  \n\nWalker.......... $20 \nT-Shirt..........$10 \n\n<strong>Deadline to Register: June 1\, 2012 </strong>\n\nATTENTION DOG OWNERS: Bring your dog out to Walk the Farm! \n\nCheck in between 1:00pm and 2:00pm\, must be o n leash at all times. \n\nCOST: \n\nDog..............$5 \nBandana...... ..$7 \n\nSpace is limited\, reservation required. \n\nFor more informati on and registration\, visit <a href=" /\;subscriberid=198943869&amp\;campaignid=10503 78&amp\;" target="_blank">walkt</a> DTSTAMP:20250126T055525Z SUMMARY:WALK THE FARM to Help Rebuild Farms in Japan URL:/en/events/2012/06/16/walk-the-farm-to-help-rebuild-farms-in-japan/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR