BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120503T000000Z DTEND:20120503T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Ohio State University\, Department of Anthropology\n9th Ann ual Paul H. and Erika Bourguignon Lecture in Art and Anthropology\n\n<stro ng>Japanese American Resettlement Through the Lens:&nbsp\;Mediating Memori es Then and Now</strong>\n\nFeaturing:\n\n<strong>Lane Hirabayashi</strong >\, professor\, UCLA Asian American Studies\, and author of&nbsp\;Japanese -American Resettlement through the Lens: Hikaru Iwasaki and the WRA's Phot ographic Section\, 1943-1945\n\nAnd\n\n<strong>Hikaru Carl Iwasaki</strong >\, War Relocation Authority (WRA) Photographer\n\nLane Hirabayashi\, toge ther with photographer Hikaru Carl Iwasaki look at the experience of Japan ese American resettlement through the filter of the War Relocation Authori ty (WRA)'s 17\,000 photos of Americans of Japanese ancestry who spent Worl d War II in prison camps.\n\n<strong>Thursday\, May 3\, 2012</strong>\n<st rong>6:30 &ndash\; 7:30 pm Lecture</strong>\n<strong>7:30 pm Book Signing and Reception</strong>\n\nRoom 100 Mendenhall Lab\n125 South Oval Mall\nTh e Ohio State University\nColumbus\, OH 43210\n\nThe event is free and open to the public.\n\nRSVP required to Wayne Miller at\n\ n<a href="">http://art</a> DTSTAMP:20240908T104441Z SUMMARY:Lecture & Book Signing -- Japanese American Resettlement Through th e Lens: Mediating Memories Then and Now URL:/en/events/2012/05/03/lecture-book-signing-japanese-american-resett/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR