BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120328T000000Z DTEND:20120424T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan will sponsor a group o f five Japanese American high-school students to visit Japan from June 30 to July 10\, 2012 for an exchange program which provides them with an oppo rtunity to learn about various aspects of Japan and to promote mutual unde rstanding and exchanges between younger generations of Japanese and Japane se Americans. \n\nThe program includes a visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and a Japanese high school\, tours of Tokyo and the Kans ai area\, and a home stay experience with a Japanese family. \n\nJapanese American High school students with multiracial backgrounds are highly enc ouraged to apply.\n\n<ul><li><a href=" p/About/news/jasinvite2012_description.pdf">Program Description</a> [pdf] </li><li><a href="jasinvite2012_app.doc">Application Form</a></li></ul>\n\ n*This program will be official upon the passage of the budget for Japanes e fiscal year 2012. \n\nApplicants living in the states of Illinois\, Ind iana\, Iowa\, Kansas\, Minnesota\, Missouri\, Nebraska\, North Dakota\, So uth Dakota\, and Wisconsin are asked to send a completed application by ma il to the address below by April 24\, 2012. \n\nOnly 5 students are selec ted from all over the United States. Therefore\, you are encouraged to mak e your application appealing by answering to the questions in section 2 of the application form as specifically as possible with concrete examples. Describe what kind of leadership you have taken at school or in your commu nity\, how this program will benefit your school life/future\, and how you can contribute to promote the friendship between Japan and the U.S. by ma king use of the experience you will have in this program. \n\nMr. Tomonor i Minowa\nThe Consulate-General of Japan\n737 N Michigan Ave #1100\nChicag o\, IL 60611 DTSTAMP:20250125T083702Z SUMMARY:Invitation Program for Japanese American Students URL:/en/events/2012/03/28/invitation-program-for-japanese-american-students / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR