BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111008T000000Z DTEND:20111009T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 2005\, the city of Shizuoka built a replica of the gate to S unpu Castle\, famed shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu's former home in Shizuoka\, in Omaha's Lauritzen Gardens. In honor of their sister city's great generosit y\, every year since the gift\, the Omaha Sister Cities Association and th e Lauritzen Gardens have held the Japanese Ambience festival at the garden s.\n\nThis year\, for the 6th Annual Japanese Ambience\, entertainment wil l include a performance by the Kokyo Taiko drum group from Lincoln\, Nebra ska (pictured at right in front of the Sunpu Gate)\, while the Omaha chapt er of Ikebana International will be be commemorating its 50th anniversary with an exhbition at the garden. There will also be Japanese martial arts displays\, dancers\, food\, and more. And\, in honor of the Lauritzen Gard en's 10th Anniversary\, admission is free!\n\nDate\nSaturday\, October 8 a nd Sunday\, October 9\, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM\n\n<a href=" /t/21320557/590242299/54590002/0/?c4e129f6=Y2hpY2dqIDA5LzI4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA 6MTQ%3d&amp\;x=d35d7b31" target="_blank"></a>\n\nPlace\nLauritzen Gardens &ndash\; Omaha&rsquo\;s Botanical Gardens\n100 Bancroft St.\nOmaha\, NE 68 108\n(<a href=" 9f6=Y2hpY2dqIDA5LzI4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA6MTQ%3d&amp\;x=3ca8bf28" target="_blank ">Map &amp\; Directions</a>)\n\nInfo\n\nFree admission to the gardens for the weekend. Paid activities in the festival will help fund future constru ction on the Lauritzen Japanese Gardens\n<a href=" 1320557/590242299/54590004/0/?c4e129f6=Y2hpY2dqIDA5LzI4LzIwMTEgMTY6MzA6MTQ %3d&amp\;x=044c8ed7" target="_blank">Japanese Ambience at the Lauritzen Ga rdens</a> DTSTAMP:20240917T230557Z SUMMARY: Japanese Ambience at Omaha's Lauritzen Gardens URL:/en/events/2011/10/08/japanese-ambience-at-omahas-lauritzen-gardens/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR