BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110915T000000Z DTEND:20111029T000000Z DESCRIPTION:James Cohan Gallery is proud to present <strong><em>DANDAN</em> </strong> \, a solo exhibition by Japanese artist <strong>Tabaimo</strong > \, opening September 15th and running through October 29th\, 2011. This is the third solo exhibition at the gallery by the 35-year old Tabaimo\, recognized as one of Japan’s leading artists and well-known for her h and-drawn animations whose coloration bring to mind traditional <em>ukiyo- e</em> prints.\n\n Taking on roles as both social critic and a voice of th ose born in the mid 1970’s\, Tabaimo strives to investigate the inter-g enerational divide. As globalization pervades an island nation that once prided itself on isolationism\, communal traditions continue to give way to contemporary desires of individualization. Tabaimo’s work offers an unblinking look at contemporary Japanese society as a mirror in which to view herself and other members of her generation caught in the crossfir e of these societal shifts. Her works capture the anxiety that is a cons tant reality in a land whose <em>terra firma</em> is less than stable\, w hile their tone remains abstract and detached. Recurring motifs\, includi ng cityscapes\, interior spaces\, hands\, brains\, hair\, insects\, plant s and water\, hover between the elegantly rendered and the disturbingly s urreal.\n \n Two of the works on view at James Cohan Gallery\, <strong><em >BLOW</em> </strong> and <strong><em>danDAN</em> </strong> \, were first s hown in <em>Danmen</em> \, a solo exhibition that originated at the Yokoh ama Museum of Art in 2009 and traveled to the National Museum of Art\, Os aka. These two works are multi-channel video and sound installations pres ented on elaborately built stage sets. In addition\, the exhibition featu res <strong><em>guignorama</em> </strong> \, a single-channel work first exhibited in the artist’s solo exhibition at the Hara Museum in 2006. T his gallery exhibition marks the first time these works are shown in the United States.\n\nFor more information\, please visit http://www.jamescoha DTSTAMP:20250118T005558Z SUMMARY:danDAN Exhibition by Tabaimo URL:/en/events/2011/09/15/dandan-exhibition-by-tabaimo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR