BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110915T000000Z DTEND:20110915T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tour of the Japanese Kimono\, 1915-1940: From Tradition to Ready-to-Wear exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago  </strong>\n< strong>\n</strong><strong>*Meet in front of the Art Institute of Chicago m useum shop promptly at 5:30 p.m. Please note that unfortunately we will no t be able to wait for late comers.</strong> \n\n<strong>$22 JASC Members/ $25 Non-Members \n(20 Maximum) </strong>\n<strong> </strong>\n<strong></ strong>Tickets will be passed out the day of the event \n\nCome join us f or a tour of the <strong>Japanese Kimono\, 1915-1940: From Tradition to R eady-to-Wear</strong> exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago\, lead by O dile Joassin\, Assistant Curator\, The Department of Textiles\, Art Instit ute of Chicago. Learn more about the history of kimono\, as well as behind -the-scenes information on the creation of the exhibit. \nThe designs of kimono for formal and ceremonial events often adhered to conventional patt erns with carefully planned designs suited to specific occasions. They wer e expensive undertakings\, often custom-made and purchased from merchants who specialized in kimonos. With noticeably shorter sleeves\, informal kim ono and haori for everyday use were less opulent than their formal counter parts. The design of this more casual wear borrowed from the large reperto ire of traditional motifs but also included abstracted forms and designs i nspired by Western art movements.\nIn the 1910s\, informal kimonos took a new turn with ready-to-wear designs appearing in department stores\, where a quality garment could be bought at an affordable price\, and by the mid -1920s\, these broadly available styles were changing seasonally akin to W estern fashion. Often referred to as <em>taishô modo</em> (referring to Taishô fashionable kimono) or <em>taishô roman</em> (Taishô romantic style)\, these desirable and fashionable garments maintained a convention al form while displaying bold and brightly colored designs and ornamentati on. They appealed to the urban modern girl who embraced popular culture an d changing fashions.\nAlthough the basic construction and form of the kimo no has altered little over the course of six centuries\, the evolving patt erning and decoration make the kimono an exquisite and dynamic garment. By showcasing the kimono’s influences and developments from formal traditi ons to graphically vibrant off-the-rack designs\, this exhibition illustra tes how the Japanese have embraced modernism while still retaining their c ultural history.<strong></strong> DTSTAMP:20250126T054726Z SUMMARY:TOUR OF THE JAPANESE KIMONO\, 1915-1940: FROM TRADITION TO READY-TO -WEAR EXHIBIT AT THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO URL:/en/events/2011/09/15/tour-of-the-japanese-kimono-1915-1940-from-tradi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR