BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110708T000000Z DTEND:20110710T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Mesujika DOE\nNOHspace&nbsp\; San Francisco\, CA\n\nThe San Fra ncisco International Arts Festival (SFIAF)\, YUBIWA Hotel &amp\; U.S./Japa n Cultural Trade Network present a work-in-progress showing of &quot\;Mesu jika DOE&quot\; a Japanese/English bilingual play co-written and co-direct ed by an internationally recognized young Japanese woman playwright/direct or\, Shirotama Hitsujiya\, and an award winning American playwright\, Tris ta Baldwin.\n \n &quot\;Mesujika DOE&quot\; is a cross-cultural research p roject on women's issues as well as a play. Building on Baldwin's original concept\, the play pushes the theme of mutable identity and sexuality fro m a cross-cultural perspective into a new realm by incorporating insights and inspiration gained in Japan and the U.S. from workshops and field rese arch on immigrant women through round table discussions\, site-visits and interviews. &quot\;Mesujika DOE&quot\; sheds new light on various issues b ehind the struggles of language and national identity as well as on univer sal issues of gender\, sexuality\, family\, children\, society and culture . DTSTAMP:20240908T095156Z SUMMARY:Mesujika DOE URL:/en/events/2011/07/08/mesujika-doe/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR