BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110514T000000Z DTEND:20110716T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Participate in the "Pan-American Nikkei Identity" Design Contes t and win your Inscription fee and stay at the XVI Pan-American Nikkei Con vention to be held on September 1-3\, 2011 in the beautiful beaches of Can cun\, Mexico.\n\nYou have until July 16\, 2011 to send your art.\n\nOffici al Website &gt\;&nbsp\;<a href=" so-de-afiches-identidad-nikkei-panamericana/"> 1/06/13/concurso-de-afiches-identidad-nikkei-panamericana/</a>&nbsp\;\n\nT erms and conditions &gt\; English version soon\n<a href="http://www.centro f" target="_blank"> curso_de_afiches_proyecto_y_bases.pdf</a>\n\nFor more information\, contac t\\n\nOrganized by:\nMariela Tsutsumi (Gr upo Joven del Centro Nikkei Argentino - Argentina)\nKike Asato (Movimiento de Menores de AELU - Per&uacute\;)\nJunichi Hern&aacute\;ndez Yoshikai (O rganizaci&oacute\;n de J&oacute\;venes Nikkei - M&eacute\;xico)\n\n<strong >\n</strong> DTSTAMP:20240917T204944Z SUMMARY:"Pan-American Nikkei Identity" Design Contest URL:/en/events/2011/05/14/pan-american-nikkei-identity-design-contest/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR