BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101215T000000Z DTEND:20101215T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n<strong>24th Annual Holiday Fundraiser &amp\; Bonenkai \n</ strong>\n<strong>Wednesday\, December 15\, 2010 \n5:30-9:30 p.m. \n</str ong>\nSilent Auction &amp\; Cocktail Reception from <strong>5:30-7:30 p.m .</strong> in the <strong>Crystal Room</strong>(5th floor) followed imme diately by a festive banquet until <strong>9:30 p.m. </strong>in the<str ong>Main Dining Room </strong>(6th floor).  \n\nUnion League Club of Chi cago \n65 W. Jackson Blvd. \nChicago\, IL \n\nSelf parking available at the garage on the northwest corner of Federal &amp\; Van Buren. \nValet parking also available at the Federal Street entrance. \n\n<strong>Chrys anthemum $3\,500 </strong>\n*Table of 10 \n*Preferred seating \n*Full-p age color\, inside-back cover ad in program book \n*Corporate logo on Soc iety website \n*Logo on auction signage \n*Company sign on table\n\n<str ong>Cherry Blossom $2\,500\n</strong>*Table of 10 \n*Full-page\, black-an d-white ad in program book \n*Corporate logo on Society website \n*Compa ny sign on table \n\nIndividual $150 \nIndividual Sponsor with preferred seating  $200 <strong>\n</strong><strong> \n</strong><strong>To downlo ad an invitation <a href="/uploaded/docs/event/JAS-10007_Bonekai_2010_Inv ite_10.22.10.pdf">click here \n</a>To download a Bonenkai donor form </s trong><a href="/uploaded/docs/event/2010 Holiday Donor Form.pdf"><strong>c lick here</strong></a>\n DTSTAMP:20241214T230026Z SUMMARY:24th Annual Holiday Fundraiser &amp\; Bonenkai URL:/en/events/2010/12/15/24th-annual-holiday-fundraiser-bonenkai/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR