BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100627T000000Z DTEND:20100627T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Japan-America Society of Georgia presents a family fun picn ic!\n\nCome celebrate Isamu Noguchi\, the world renowned Japanese American 20th century artist/sculptor in Piedmont Park.\n\nSpend a nice afternoon with good food and drinks with friends &amp\; family. Featuring traditiona l Japanese storytelling\, "Kamishibai" in both English and Japanese\, and informational guided tour about Noguchi's surrealist playground.\n\nYou ca n enjoy the park (swimming\, bird-watching\, biking\, strolling\, and more ) and finish the celebration at the historic inn\, called Stonehurst Place \, to relax with cold drinks and ice cream for children.\n\n<strong>Schedu le:</strong>\n\n12pm: Catered lunch &amp\; BBQ at Picnic Pavilion\n\n1:30p m: Move to the Noguchi Playscape for Japanese traditional storytelling and guided tour. Activities of your choice in the park.\n\n3pm: Relaxing tea time at the Stonehurst Place\n\n<strong>Price:</strong> $10 per person for JASG &amp\; CCG members. $15 for non-members. $5 per child under 10.\n\n< a href="" target="new"><s trong><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">On-Line Registration</str ong></a>\n\nTo complete your reservation\, payment must be received with y our RSVP by Thurs\, June 24\, 2010. Email or call for more information.\n\ nEmail:\n\nPhone: 404.842.1400\n\n<strong><a href="htt p://" target="new">Map &amp\; Dire ctions</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20250118T072857Z SUMMARY:Celebrating Noguchi Playscape in Piedmont Park URL:/en/events/2010/06/27/celebrating-noguchi-playscape-in-piedmont-park/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR