BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100221T000000Z DTEND:20100221T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This is an event for all ages featuring an expert panel discuss ing experiences during World War II as well as cultural activities. Admiss ion is free and open to the public\, and refreshments will be served. Clo se-up\, informal “Talk Story” break out groups will educate and entert ain questions from the audience. Stories and topics include Japanese in Wo rld War II Hawai‘i\, Hawai‘i Internee’s Story\, Hawai‘i Excludee ’s Story\, World War II Varsity Victory Volunteers and the Emergency Ser vice Committee\, and Hawai‘i Under Martial Law.  \n\nBreak out sessio ns will also involve people of all ages to gain some hands on experience w ith cultural activities which were suppressed during World War II\, but si nce revived. Some activities include tea ceremony\, ikebana\, Boy’s Da y and Girl’s Day origami\, taiko drum instruction\, and a bon dance . T he Community Bon Dance will involve the entire audience with instruction b y Derrick Iwata\, dance leader at Waipahu Soto Mission.\n\nAdmission is fr ee and open to the public! Bring the family! DTSTAMP:20250122T235338Z SUMMARY:Day of Remembrance: Liberties &amp\; Culture\, Supressed But Reviv ed URL:/en/events/2010/02/21/day-of-remembrance-liberties-culture-supresse/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR